Burmese Community Canada.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Gunning for democracy
Jane Bao
January 7, 2008
When Si Thu hits the road, everybody pays attention. For the past month, his BMW 318 has been a moving billboard, championing Burmese democracy across North America. Five provinces, 13 states, and over 15,000 kilometres later, the car is still emblazoned with the words “Free Burma,” the country’s flag, and photos of Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy.
When he reached his first stop in the Drive for Burma campaign, Washington D.C., a friend helped contact someone in the next city. What started out as a self-financed solo project quickly gathered supporters among the Burmese community, who housed Si Thu in their homes or in Buddhist temples, and planned protests in front of Chinese consulates and Burmese embassies.
“We are working together, everybody, to finish this trip,” said Si Thu.
A military junta has ruled Burma since 1962, when General Ne Win took control of the country in a coup. Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a rallying figure for the democratic movement, has been under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years.
Si Thu was spurred to action when the military reportedly rounded up thousands of Burmese monks in October 2007, snuffing out their peaceful anti-government protests.
The Burmese-Canadian, who marched and saw combat in 1988’s bloody demonstrations, regained his conviction that peaceful protest would not suffice.
“Before I had in my mind, soldiers are like people, our own people, why do we have to kill each other? Now I saw on the television […] They are soldiers, they don’t care. They hit the people, they’re killing monks, and so they are not human anymore. They are not people anymore.”
On August 8, 1988, the whole country took to the streets in a general strike for democracy. The government planted agitators to incite violence and the army opened fire on protesters on Sept. 18, killing thousands.
Si Thu, then freshly out of high school, marched with other students in Moulmein, the third-largest city in Burma. After the shooting began, he and a group of 30 others took a four-day, three-night boat trip to the Thai border, where ethnic militia were supposed to provide them with weapons.
“We were going to come back and fight. We were going to take down this military regime.
“But when we got there, situation is totally different. There’s no arms, there’s no place to live, nothing to eat, nothing.”
Expecting to return home immediately, Si Thu had brought nothing. “Not even an ID card,” he said.
“Then we formed the ABSDF—the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front. It’s an army. A student army.”
After seeing battle, once as a combatant and once as a paramedic, Si Thu decided to pursue other means of resistance. “The regime is at the top,” he said. “At the battle, it’s just regular people like us. So we are killing each other for nothing.”
But the recent brutal crackdown on Burmese monks has brought another change of heart.
Si Thu still considers himself part of the ABSDF and helps the group financially. He said he would take up arms again when the time comes. “If you want to go to war, nobody supports it. But for us, we need to fight it, our own way.”
Though defiant, he expressed concern about fallout from his declaration.
“If you put this thing in the newspaper, and people read it, they’re going to think I am a terrorist.”
Source: The Varsity
January 7, 2008
Exiled dissident pulls over in Toronto
When he reached his first stop in the Drive for Burma campaign, Washington D.C., a friend helped contact someone in the next city. What started out as a self-financed solo project quickly gathered supporters among the Burmese community, who housed Si Thu in their homes or in Buddhist temples, and planned protests in front of Chinese consulates and Burmese embassies.
“We are working together, everybody, to finish this trip,” said Si Thu.
A military junta has ruled Burma since 1962, when General Ne Win took control of the country in a coup. Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a rallying figure for the democratic movement, has been under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years.
Si Thu was spurred to action when the military reportedly rounded up thousands of Burmese monks in October 2007, snuffing out their peaceful anti-government protests.
The Burmese-Canadian, who marched and saw combat in 1988’s bloody demonstrations, regained his conviction that peaceful protest would not suffice.
“Before I had in my mind, soldiers are like people, our own people, why do we have to kill each other? Now I saw on the television […] They are soldiers, they don’t care. They hit the people, they’re killing monks, and so they are not human anymore. They are not people anymore.”
On August 8, 1988, the whole country took to the streets in a general strike for democracy. The government planted agitators to incite violence and the army opened fire on protesters on Sept. 18, killing thousands.
Si Thu, then freshly out of high school, marched with other students in Moulmein, the third-largest city in Burma. After the shooting began, he and a group of 30 others took a four-day, three-night boat trip to the Thai border, where ethnic militia were supposed to provide them with weapons.
“We were going to come back and fight. We were going to take down this military regime.
“But when we got there, situation is totally different. There’s no arms, there’s no place to live, nothing to eat, nothing.”
Expecting to return home immediately, Si Thu had brought nothing. “Not even an ID card,” he said.
“Then we formed the ABSDF—the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front. It’s an army. A student army.”
After seeing battle, once as a combatant and once as a paramedic, Si Thu decided to pursue other means of resistance. “The regime is at the top,” he said. “At the battle, it’s just regular people like us. So we are killing each other for nothing.”
But the recent brutal crackdown on Burmese monks has brought another change of heart.
Si Thu still considers himself part of the ABSDF and helps the group financially. He said he would take up arms again when the time comes. “If you want to go to war, nobody supports it. But for us, we need to fight it, our own way.”
Though defiant, he expressed concern about fallout from his declaration.
“If you put this thing in the newspaper, and people read it, they’re going to think I am a terrorist.”
Source: The Varsity
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Back at home now...
My trip is successfully finish.
I am back home now.
Thank you everyone.
Without you, this trip could not have succeeded.
That means, we are united and we can fight for freedom in Burma together.
Again, Thanks everyone. Si Thu
I am back home now.
Thank you everyone.
Without you, this trip could not have succeeded.
That means, we are united and we can fight for freedom in Burma together.
Again, Thanks everyone. Si Thu
Monday, December 31, 2007
Beijing Olympics Float of Shame - Pasadena CA
China has taken advantage of Pasadena to include a propaganda float
in the 2008 year’s Annual Rose Parade to be held on New Year’s Day
in the 2008 year’s Annual Rose Parade to be held on New Year’s Day

While China readies to host the Olympics in 2008, it has already won the gold medal for being the number 1 supporter of Burma’s brutal military regime. China is the biggest financial supporter and arms supplier of the military junta in Burma. Using arms supplied by China, the Burmese military, like China in the past, has killed thousands of people including recent killings of peaceful protesters and monks. Not only China refuses to condemn the ongoing atrocities in Burma but it continues blocking the US and UN efforts to bring about peace and restoration of democracy in Burma.
It is TIME we say to China, stop your bloody game in Burma
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: Sierra Madre Blvd
(between Colorado Blvd and Walnut St)
UPDATE - Due to technical difficulties, our meeting point for the Rose Parade Day event has moved to the corner of La Tierra St. and Sierra Madre Blvd which is not too far from the original location. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please feel free to contact us if you need further info.
tutpi@msn.com (OR)
Tha Tha: (310) 753-3467/753-2176
We recommend carpooling and coming to the event as early as possible. Parking is a premium during this time and some sections of the parade route may be closed to traffic. Please contact us if you have trouble coming to the event.
Please see the website below for more info on Rose Parade.
Reserved Parade parking for automobiles, buses and recreational vehicles is available through Sharp Seating Company, official seating company of the
Tournament of Roses, (626) 795-4171 and the
City of Pasadena, (626) 744-6470.
You may also contact Easy Parking Service (626) 286-7576.
Paid parking is offered on a first-come, first-served basis at various lots and parking structures near the Parade route.
Overnight parking on Pasadena streets begins at noon the day before the parade, for that evening only. All No Parking areas and red curb zones remain off-limits, and vehicles in violation will be subject to impound and a fine.
There is no parking allowed on the parade route. Illegally parked vehicles will be impounded. Impound information: 626-744-4565.
Metro Rail's Gold line makes it easier than ever to get to Pasadena's Annual Tournament of Roses Parade. Exit at the Memorial Park, Lake, Allen or Del Mar stations; all are just a short walk from the parade route. Avoid the traffic and parking hassles. Just hop on board!
Also, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will provide regular bus service to areas near the Rose Parade, Rose Bowl Game and Post Parade areas. Buses will be originating from locations throughout the county.
For additional information on the Metro and Buses, please call the
MTA information line at 1-800-COMMUTE (266-6883) or
visit www.mta.net
The hearing impaired line is 1-800-252-9040.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Jotman's Interview with Si Thu
Jotman's talk with a man who got behind the wheel for Burma
December 27, 2007Today I spoke with a Burmese activist from Toronto who is literally driven to raise awareness about the Burma crisis in North America. Si Thu is on the final leg of "Driving for Burma," a trip around North America. more...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Vancouver has been good to me this Xmas eve. We had lovely weather this afternoon for the drive around town. Friends and family showed up with flags and bumper stickers and we drove along Robson Drive.
I would like to thank everyone who organized and participated in this event.
I will be hanging out in Vancouver for Xmas then it is off to Calgary. I'd like to wish everyone a Safe Merry Christmas!!
I would like to thank everyone who organized and participated in this event.
I will be hanging out in Vancouver for Xmas then it is off to Calgary. I'd like to wish everyone a Safe Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Back in Canada
Its good to be back home in Canada. Canada welcomed me with snow. I almost never made it, running into a patch of black ice on HWY 1. I lost control of the car and ran into a ditch. Had some help from the police, the paramedics and the tow truck driver. I am perfectly fine and so is the car. Car Rally Tomorrow we will be driving in downtown Robson before we end our trip at the Chinese consulate. Please see below for the details: Time: 11:30a.m. for 12:00 p.m. Meeting Place: IMPARK parking lot between Cambie and Beatty (on Georgia) adjacent to Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Route: Exit parking lot (left turn) on Cambie, cross George intersection and turn right on Robson Street; drive along Robson till Denman Street, and then turn left on Davie Street; drive along Davie and turn right on Howe Street; drive across Granville Bridge, and along Granville Street until 16th Avenue. Then, turn left into 16th Avenue and stop. End of tour. The Chinese Consulate is on Granville at 16th Avenue. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Come and join us "Free Burma" bumper sticks will be available from Ko Soe Naing or Inn Yu at the parking lot if you require one. |
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